Word 2010 The Secret to Working with Pictures

Have you ever wondered why pictures (or graphic objects) don’t go where you want them when moving them around in a Word document? Do they really have a mind of their own? To no avail, you try to click and drag them to a new position and the picture just jumps around to unlikely places. The reason is that the picture is trying to stay “in line with the text” on that page.

The secret to working with pictures is using the Text Wrapping feature. The feature is found on the Picture Tools ribbon tab and some of my students call it the “Doggie Button” because the command icon has a picture of a dog on it.

Snippet™ Word Training Lesson

Here is what you need to do next time when you are working with graphics in your Word document.

1. Open Word 2010 and your file.

2. Find a location on your page where you would like to insert a picture.

3. To insert a picture, go to the Ribbon, click

Insert (tab) > Illustrations (group) > Picture (icon).

Please note the new contextual Ribbon tab called Picture Tools > Format (tab).

4. To move the picture, click on your picture to select it.  

On the Ribbon, click Picture Tools Format (tab) > Arrange (group) > Wrap Text (icon)

The following menu will appear and you will see various options on how to set the wrap text feature on your picture.

Word 2010 Working with Pictures








5. I normally select either “Tight”, “Square” or “Top and Bottom” depending on how I am going to annotate the picture.

I would recommend trying out all of the options the first time you use this feature to see how your picture will change with each option selected.

6. Once you have made your Text Wrapping selection, you may click and drag your picture to any location on the page.

This feature works with pictures, clip art, screen shots and graphical objects like charts and graphs.

You now know the secret! Please share this tip with your fellow co-workers and family members! They will always be grateful that you shared this wonderful secret with them.

Want to learn more cool tips like these? Stay tune for future posts. We strive on sharing tips and tricks that will help you become more efficient and productive using the computer software tools you have available.

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