Archive | Excel

Excel Snippet® Tip

One of the most commonly asked questions I get in my Excel classes is how do I navigate to the bottom of a column of data more efficiently. Here’s the tip… To quickly navigate to the bottom of a column of continuous data, hold down the [CTRL] key and press the down arrow key once […]

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Microsoft Excel

How to quickly find duplicates in Excel

Have you ever had a long list of items and you need to quickly identify which ones are duplicates?  Thankfully, Excel’s Conditional Formatting feature makes it easy to quickly find duplicates in Excel. Open your Excel file and highlight the data that may have duplicates. From the ribbon, select Home (tab), Styles (group), Conditional Formatting […]

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Microsoft Excel

How to produce a family calendar in Excel

Microsoft Excel has many templates that you can download for free from In this blog post we demonstrate how to produce a family calendar in Excel 2010 using one of these templates. Start Excel Choose File (tab), New Click Calendars Double click a folder such as 2012 Calendars Click Family calendar (any year, Sun-Sat) […]

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Microsoft Excel

Excel Review Questions

Have you ever had someone tell you they know Excel?  Of course, one might ask, “What does it really mean to say you know Excel?” It is true that the program has so many features that it is almost impossible to know all there is to know about Excel. Even so, perhaps you can use […]

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Microsoft Office 2010

Understanding Macro Code

This is the third blog in a series about creating macros in Excel, Word and other applications within the Microsoft Office.  This article is about Understanding Macro Code. Understanding Macro Code VBA is a Language Many people, after learning how to record a macro, take a look at the code and then they panic. “How […]

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Microsoft Office 2010

5 steps for Creating Macros

This is the second blog post in a series about creating Excel macros, Word macros, and other macros for applications in the Microsoft Office. The big lie: Many people have been told that creating a macro is easy. They are told just turn on the recorder, do your actions, and stop the recording. While those […]

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Microsoft Excel

Understanding VLookup

Vlookup is a powerful function that can help you lookup information from a table or list of data. Suppose you have a list of 5000+ movies like the one shown below. The VLookup function will allow Excel to lookup an ID number and return the corresponding title, year, category, rating, etc. The following slides, used […]

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