Archive | Word

Microsoft Office 2010

Understanding Macro Code

This is the third blog in a series about creating macros in Excel, Word and other applications within the Microsoft Office.  This article is about Understanding Macro Code. Understanding Macro Code VBA is a Language Many people, after learning how to record a macro, take a look at the code and then they panic. “How […]

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Microsoft Office 2010

5 steps for Creating Macros

This is the second blog post in a series about creating Excel macros, Word macros, and other macros for applications in the Microsoft Office. The big lie: Many people have been told that creating a macro is easy. They are told just turn on the recorder, do your actions, and stop the recording. While those […]

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Microsoft Word

AutoCorrect to the Rescue!

You may have noticed when typing along in a Word document that some misspelled words are automatically corrected. The wonderful Word feature that does this for you is called AutoCorrect. For example, if you were to type the word the as teh, AutoCorrect will automatically correct the word to read the. However, if you mistype […]

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Microsoft Word

Inserting one word document into another

In Word 2003 you could insert one word document into another by selecting from the menu Insert | File. But now in Word 2007 / 2010 it is not so obvious. Here’s how to do it. Open the first word document. Position the cursor where you want the second document inserted. From the ribbon choose […]

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